CPR Supplies & Equipment

Cardiac emergencies can occur without warning, and the right CPR equipment is crucial for saving lives. Vitality Medical offers an extensive selection of training equipment and CPR products, catering to healthcare professionals, emergency responders, and individuals committed to emergency preparedness. From advanced automated external defibrillators (AED machines) to CPR manikins, each product provides preparedness for cardiac emergencies, ensuring safety and peace of mind.

Explore the full range of supplies available at Vitality Medical. Personalized recommendations from customer support offer preparedness for a cardiac emergency with reliable, easy-to-use products.

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Buying Guide

Choosing the right equipment is critical, and Vitality Medical's customer service team offers guidance to ensure the best selection. Considerations include the specific use scenarios for AED machines, resuscitation bags, and face shields and barriers for comprehensive CPR readiness.

CPR Products & Equipment

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do you maintain AED machines? Regularly check the battery life and replace pads as often as the manufacturer recommends. Additionally, check for essential software updates and recalls.
  • What is the lifespan of AED pads? AED pads generally have a lifespan of about two years. Replace them before they expire to ensure the AED functions correctly during an emergency. Always check the expiration date on the pads and keep spare sets available.
  • How do you select CPR manikins for different training needs? Consider the training requirements, such as adult, child, or infant, based on the expected rescue scenarios. Look for manikins with feedback mechanisms to improve technique and realism to prepare trainees for real-life situations.
  • How effective are CPR face shields and resuscitation bags? CPR face shields, or barriers, effectively prevent cross-contamination between the rescuer and the victim, while resuscitation bags provide ventilation to patients in respiratory distress. Both are critical in ensuring the safety and efficacy of CPR.
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